Standards Roadshow
Challenges in Standardisation for the Oil & Gas Industry in the Eastern Mediterranean
Lemon Park, Nicosia - CYPRUS
15 October 2024

The CYS Standards Roadshow 2024 will be held under the auspices of the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry
About the Roadshow
A Day of Powerful Talks
15 October 2024
08:30 am
The Standards Roadshow is organised by the Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS) for the professionals of the oil & gas industry.
This Roadshow is designed to provide professionals of oil & gas companies, national authorities, service providers, the supply industry and rule-making authorities, with the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the International Standardisation activities for this globally important industry sector.
The Roadshow will review and discuss the International as well as the National standardisation work, the role of the authorities, industry and standardisation bodies in the ongoing standardisation activities. It will explore experiences within other countries and regions of adopting such standards for the oil & gas sector, including the challenges facing harmonisation of company and local standards with International Standards.
The Standards Roadshow is open to the public, with admission granted only to people who have completed the registration process.

Who is CYS?
The Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS), is the National Standardisation Body of Cyprus, whose principal responsibility is managing the National standardisation system in Cyprus and providing standards-related services.
The sole shareholder of CYS is the Ministry of Finance which appoints, for a 3-year term, its Board of Directors constituted by 7 members representing the major national stakeholders interested in quality issues: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce & Industry, the Employers & Industrialists Federation, the Chamber of Commerce, the Technical & Scientific Chamber, the Consumers Association and the Academia.
CYS is a full member of the European Standards Organisations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, as well as the International Standards Organisations ISO, IEC and ITU.
Through its active participation in European and International Standardisation activities, CYS promotes the national interest by developing, adopting and implementing standards for the Cyprus market and society.
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
08:30 – 09:00 Registrations
09:00 – 09:30 Opening – Welcome speeches
​Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry
Chairman, Board of Directors, CYS
Chair of National Technical Committee CYS/TC 22 - Hydrocarbons
09:30 – 11:00 Current developments for the Oil & Gas sector in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
The developments and planning in Cyprus EEZ in relation to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons reserves
Israel's energy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Εnergy Τransition
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00 Standards for the benefit of the Oil & Gas industry
ISO/TC 67 – Adding business value to the energy sector through International Standards
The NORSOK journey - From word to digital standard development
API Standards – For Industry, By Industry
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Sharing standards experience & challenges ahead
The use of international standards in technology development, project execution and operations
The role of standards in an objective-based regulatory framework: the onshore oil and gas industry in South Australia as a case study
Establishing Globally Applicable Standards – Little by Little by Little and then All-at-once
15:30 – 16:00 Conclusions – Closing
Hon. George Papanastasiou
Mr Demetris Vakis
Ms Eleni Topouzi
Mr Achilleas Sotirelis
Mr Sammy Revel
Mr Philip Smedley
Ms Inghild Kaarstad
Mr Roland Goodman
Mr Runar Østebø
Mr Michael Malavazos
Professor Mike Efthymiou
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe